

Return & Refund Policy of Natural Furnish:

Natural Furnish tries its best to ensure that every product you order is in top condition before it leaves our warehouse. Sometimes things are beyond our control and thus we offer the following return policy.

Items can be refund if:

1.      The product is damaged or defective:

In this case, Natural Furnish will refund as shopping points so that you can shop other products using your shopping point. You need to inform us within 24 hours of receiving the products. Please check before receiving the products from Courier Company. We not accept international return.

2.      Conditions

Please contact our customer care via email within 2 working days of receiving the product and follow the terms and condition. We are request that the shipping cost for the return be borne by the customer. Products photos slightly vary due to photographic effect, we not consider it as a return case. Also, products size may vary 1-2 inches. We not accept return in case of Furniture, Poufs products.


Return Condition:

For your convenience we accept return from you by courier (only by traceable courier company), in this case you have to ship back the product thru a traceable courier. You have to provide a scan copy of your courier slip and tracking number with website address.

Please notify us of receipt of damaged or defective product within 24 hours of delivery. Please do not accept damaged product.

Products should be returned in their original packaging along with the original price tag, labels and invoices.

Furniture, Poufs are not-returnable or non-refundable. We not accept returns on these products.

You are shipping the products on your own we recommend shipping your item back with some sort of tracking as we are not responsible for lost or stolen packages. When we receive your return package, we will inspect your item to confirm that it is unused and in original packaging. Only then will we issue your refund store credit.

Duty and Taxes will be borne by the customer if it applied in customer's country. In case customer refuses to accept the shipment and not pay the duty and taxes, we will not remit any payment.

Once we receive package, our QA team will verify and record the details of the damage or defective and confirm the replacement. We reserve the final right to accept/reject the request based on condition of product.

How To Return:


1. Put a return request on your profile. After that our team will check that product is in returnable or not. Please note that return will be done in 5 days once received. Days will be count from Delivered condition.

2. After our team accept your return request, Pack products along with the original price tag, labels and invoices.

3. Courier these by your end with traceable courier company

4. Open your account and go to order return tab and fill all courier details in that form and submit it.

5. Once you submit we will refund you store credit once we get physical delivery of product.

6. Use your store credit to shop other products. Store credit will be valid till 1 year.

7. We giving you option to send products because we believe in customer satisfaction, we dont want to include return cost or other cost which increase product cost.